Thursday, December 9, 2010

Sloppy 12/9 final exam notes

Final myth stuff
  1. What is the only permanent thing? Change
  2. What is the modern version of pan and Apollo? Tenacious d
  3. Study the Signature/archetype
  4. Who brought snow Pygmalion to life (in the presentation)? John madden
  5. At the beginning there was the flood and at the end there was a flood
  6. How did he get away from the cyclops? He said his name was no man
  7. What can be said about all ends? They are all beginings
  8. What two parts did Corrine say were about the same? The heart and the groin
  9. In reference to Tristian's presentation, what did the natives know?
  10. Oral traditions authentically mythological
  11. What did John Orsi compare the writing process to? Loss of virginity
  12. James Joyce compares himself to what mythological personage? God
  13. Eating raw flesh of one dismembered is called what? Omophageous
  14. Read afterword of Ovid
  15. P155 of eliade: if cattle and horses could draw pictures of their gods, they would be projections of themselves
  16. P199: fairytales in the appendix. Paraphrasing, sagas can be distinguished from fairytales. Tragedy is tragic and the happy ending of the fairytale is not to be seen as stupid, it's a transcendence of all the suffering. Willy wonk lived happily ever after. The oral vs written tradition. The ways in which mythology damages catholic view.
  17. P172: popular theology...superstitions in which come back and retold over and over and over
  18. P177childrens myth

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