Friday, January 29, 2010

Class Notes 1/29

Here are the notes I wrote down in class:
- Timmy half-heartily tried to use his partial Shakespeare line on both Garret and Lena. He says he'll memorize the whole thing by next Friday.
- Mr. Sexson went over the class schedule for the next few weeks.
  • He noted that there are only 4 copies left of the Brothers Karamazov at Barnes & Noble
  • He said everyone needs to have a copy by Monday
  • In the event that he asks on a quiz, "Who is Arnold Friend?", the answers 'the devil' or 'death' will result in an F. You need to state that he is the imagination, the devil, death, and all that in order to receive full credit

-Homework for the weekend: Watch Groundhog Day

  • Some of you may be thinking, "I don't have time to hunt down a copy of the movie." I'll do everyone a solid on this one and give you the streaming video link.
  • Video link: (better link)

-Homework for February 2nd: Keep a 16 hour VERY DETAILED journal starting at 6AM on the morning of 2/2/10

-Reading for weekend: 3 Cinderella stories


  1. Also, if anyone has a Netflix account (or know someone who does), you can log onto and stream Groundhog Day for free on your computer.
