Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blogs, Dreams, and INCEPTION

I was particularly interested in Curtis Pattee's blog because of the Inception reference at the end. Like any good story, I could immediately bring myself into Curtis's dream and see the Lego walls, feel the ominous presence of a void, and instantly recall the falling motion he experiences.

Since we're on the topic of dreams. I decided to insert this clip of Inception which highlights what makes dreams awesome:

"Dreams....they feel real while we're in them, it's only when we wake up do we realize that something was strange.....You never really remember the beginning of a dream, do you? You always wind up right in the middle of what's going on." In this sense, myths and creation stories fall into the same category. There is no actual start to anything, its more of a jump into an already established setting. Dream, myths, and realities make up that "collective unconscious" that Dr. Jung discovered. In Myth and Reality, Eliade links it all together:

We must now show in what sense Plato's theory of ideas and the Platonic anamnesis can be compared with the attitude and behavior of man in archaic and traditional societies. The man of those societies finds in myths and exemplary models for all his acts. The myths tell him that everything he does or intends to do has already been done, at the beginning of Time, in illo tempore. Hence myths constitute the sums of useful knowledge...Philosophical anamnesis does not recover the memory of the events belonging to former lives, but of truths, that is, the structures of the real.(Eliade, 124).
The myths are not just tales to entertain us, but they are encyclopedias of knowledge pulled from our unconscious basement. The myths provide the structure for which we make sense of reality. Dreams feel real because they have every single element that reality has. Dreams allow for a person to put together no only memories, but also text (written and oral) into visualizations by way of imaginations. It's a meeting ground for myths coming to fruition. People may not believe in Santa Claus in reality, but in a dream they might. The obstacles that people face in their waking moments come crashing down in dreams because they realize that the barrier is an illusion in the first place.

Now go forth and design your reality.

1 comment:

  1. Seth someday, someone will bring up your inception not despair.
